Niemand freihändig
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 130 x 115 cm, 2018
Nobody Outis
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 190 x 145 cm, 2018
Meisterhand in Sonnenschein
Ink, oil on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2016
Die Verfasserin sortiert
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas,18 x 13 cm, 2018
High 7
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 210 x 180 cm, 2018
Zyklops Reste
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 105 x 155 cm, 2018
Get cream in Neom
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 105 x 90 cm, 2018
Go Gobang Green (Effizienztasche)
Bag and plant, 2018
Tulpes Hand wird Ali
Oil, ink on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2017
Tomasso heilt die Kranken
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 210 x 180 cm, 2018
Jack und die Tulpe vergessen zu essen
Ink, acrylic, raddle on canvas, 250 x 45 cm, 2018
Seemantics Tower
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 250 x 45 cm, 2018
1000 und 1 New Waver in Erkrath
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 20 x 20 cm, 2018
Verwirrter Zyklop
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 20 x 20 cm, 2018
Trabant mit Baum
Ink, acrylic, oil on mineral paper on glass, 22,9x30,5 cm, 2017
Park Grant, Plaster, Wood, acrylic, 40x40 cm, 2018
with Sick Sehmantik Instrument, Plaster, gouache, acrylic, 23 x 21 x 0,3 cm, 2016
and Food Dmanissi, Plaster, terracotta, gouache, acrylic, 2016/17
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, 2018
Blauer Sohn Zitrone
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 105 x 80 cm, 2018
Das 宇宙 Portal
Ink on mineral paper on glass, 27,9x35,6 cm, 2017
Niemand freihändig
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 130 x 115 cm, 2018
Nobody Outis
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 190 x 145 cm, 2018
Meisterhand in Sonnenschein
Ink, oil on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2016
Die Verfasserin sortiert
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas,18 x 13 cm, 2018
High 7
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 210 x 180 cm, 2018
Zyklops Reste
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 105 x 155 cm, 2018
Get cream in Neom
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 105 x 90 cm, 2018
Go Gobang Green (Effizienztasche)
Bag and plant, 2018
Tulpes Hand wird Ali
Oil, ink on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2017
Tomasso heilt die Kranken
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 210 x 180 cm, 2018
Jack und die Tulpe vergessen zu essen
Ink, acrylic, raddle on canvas, 250 x 45 cm, 2018
Seemantics Tower
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 250 x 45 cm, 2018
1000 und 1 New Waver in Erkrath
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 20 x 20 cm, 2018
Verwirrter Zyklop
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 20 x 20 cm, 2018
Trabant mit Baum
Ink, acrylic, oil on mineral paper on glass, 22,9x30,5 cm, 2017
Park Grant, Plaster, Wood, acrylic, 40x40 cm, 2018
with Sick Sehmantik Instrument, Plaster, gouache, acrylic, 23 x 21 x 0,3 cm, 2016
and Food Dmanissi, Plaster, terracotta, gouache, acrylic, 2016/17
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, 2018
Blauer Sohn Zitrone
Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas, 105 x 80 cm, 2018
Das 宇宙 Portal
Ink on mineral paper on glass, 27,9x35,6 cm, 2017